Your “Haney Project” GOLF SCHOOLS
This 2, 3, 4, or 5 day school is geared toward the advanced player looking to take his game to the next level. Your program will include evaluations, assessments, intense instructional time, plus an option of a private nine-hole playing lesson with your professional.
We will use the latest technologies to gather data and look for strengths and weaknesses in each of the following areas:
- Equipment
- Playing and Practicing Habits
- Golf Swing
- Short Game
- Course Management
Following the evaluations, your swing coach will create a detailed Haney Plan for the remainder of your school and guide you through a series of intense instructional sessions including full swing, short game – pitching, chipping, bunker play, putting, on course management skills and develop a practice routine to reach a specific set of goals.
School Includes:
- One-on-one instruction
- 9:00 am to 3:00 pm golf school day
- Evaluation fees
- Lunch with instructor each day
- Snacks and drinks provided daily
- Before and after high speed video and swing tips
- Online Video Locker
- Hank Haney Student Workbook
- A copy of Hank Haney’s Essentials of the Swing book
- Plus a Haney gift pack
- Unlimited use of the practice facility and practice course on the days of your school
Additional School Options:
- Distance control evaluation with complete club fitting with Cool Clubs
- Lesson hours
- Mental Game evaluation and instruction
- Fitness evaluation
- On-course play
- Accommodations